TQM, WCM, ISO, OPT, Lean, 6 Sigma, HRO... Maybe it's time for organizations to hit the brakes. Let's pause the hunt for the next "big thing" that promises to magically solve all operational issues. I'm confident that every organization's workplace is already a treasure trove of untapped brilliance. Each employee, regardless of their position, holds the key to unlocking innovation. Organizations can supercharge their success with improvement ideas! These ideas act as sparks, igniting positive change. They're the secret sauce that can transform mundane processes, laden with waste and burden, into streamlined, efficient, and highly reliable workflows. Effective Daily Improvement Systems are rare finds, but when organizations implement one and support it from the Gemba, with leaders encouraging and coaching everyone to share their ideas, they're not just building a better company; they're cultivating a culture of continuous improvement.