Onsite Workshops

Our multidisciplinary workshops are grouped under three categories: work system, improvement system, and management system. They are provided onsite as full-day sessions (8:00 AM to 4:00 PM)
Instructors are professionals with many years of practice. They share techniques, knowledge, and experience.
Participants are provided with a professional PDF training manual and tools.
Daily fee per participant: 5 to 9 participants: $295 | 10 to 19 participants: $245 | 20 to 25 participants: $195
(*) Travel expenses are additional

Process Standard Work
If you do not reliably produce what your customers want and your processes consume a highly variable amount of resources and time, then standard work might be the issue. Is your standard work defined? Is it followed? Is it the correct one to meet the expected outcomes?
Standard work is the best collective known set of activities, to achieve an expected outcome regarding safety, quality, ease to learn, timing, and cost to do the work. When the process has been stabilized, standard work is used to identify process degradations and is also the basis for continuous improvement.

Training to Standard Work
Many organizations use tacit knowledge to teach employees. Unfortunately, the most experienced employees are not necessarily the best trainers and the transfer of skills falls short of expectations. Safety, quality, and productivity suffer while new employees are frustrated, leading to employee retention issues.
Using the 4-Step TWI Job Instruction method, trainers deliver highly effective and efficient job-skills training. Job Instruction trains to break down a given job and develop the “one best way” to do it, then train others to perform that standard work consistently, repeatedly, and conscientiously. Process stability is generated across all workers, at all times and lays a solid foundation for continuous improvement programs.

Making Material Flow
Do you face situations when the material you need is not available where you need it to make a finished product per the schedule? This is a situation that many organizations experience frequently. Combining the management of materials organization and the management of the schedule ensures the right materials arrive at the right place and at the right time. With this structured material flow methodology, operations can produce the finished products per the schedule, satisfy their customers with on-time delivery, and eliminate hunting for material.
The workshop provides participants with the techniques to develop a material flow strategy for their facility, including containerization, use of Plan For Every Part (PFEP), design of a supermarket, and development of delivery routes.

The Visual Workplace
Is your shopfloor visually organized to allow employees to achieve the daily production goals with a minimum amount of waste? A visual Workplace is a lot more than posters, signs, and tape on the floor. It is a compelling operational imperative, crucial to meeting daily production goals, and central to your war on waste. It helps to reduce lead times and accelerated workflow.
Participants will learn about the principles, concepts, methods, and tools to develop a new language: the language of excellence made visual that holds improvement activities together and makes them sustainable. They will learn about how to make a visual implementation successful.

4 Types of Problems
Organizations aim to develop all their employees into an army of problem solvers. We do solve problems every single day, but all problems are not equal. Some situations call for reactive problem-solving while others require us to be proactive and forward-thinking.
Workshop participants will identify the methodologies and tools for the appropriate problem type:
Type 1 - The one-by-one problem-solving for the small but many "pebbles in the shoes"
Type 2 - The use of facts and data with A3 thinking to get back to standard performance
Type 3 - The process redesign with an A3 proposal to achieve new performance goals
Type 4 - The role of innovation to develop solutions that meet new customer needs

4C Problem-Solving
Team members encounter many problems each day as they do their work. They immediately relieve the burden to continue their work but do not solve the problem. The same situation will present itself again with the same or a different employee. The problem is not solved to root to prevent the situation from happening again.
Using real-time problem-solving, before the information perishes, and a fact-based approach, 4C problem-solving enables employees and their leaders to remove one by one the small but many "pebbles in the operators' shoes." The development of 4C problem-solving is the recommended foundation to develop A3 thinking and its 8-step problem-solving.

A3 Thinking
When solving a recurring problem, do you find yourself and others jumping to a solution? Do see changes made without the proper understanding of the current state, the proper root-cause analysis, and the proper use of experimentations? With A3 thinking, employees and their leaders engage in a rigorous method to solve recurring problems. This powerful approach developed by Toyota develops critical thinking and coaching skills.
Using practical case studies and real-life experience, the workshop introduces A3's 8-step problem-solving and presents the foundation to develop a pattern of thinking that can be applied at every level in the organization to continuously develop problem-solving capabilities.

Value Stream Mapping
Dr. Deming famously said, "If you can't describe what you are doing as a process, you don't know what you're doing." Value stream mapping is a lean manufacturing technique used to document, analyze, design, and improve the flow of materials and information required to bring a product or service to a consumer. This powerful technique can be applied to any value chain by mapping the current process and identifying the highest priority improvement opportunities.
Through the use of a case study, workshop participants will be guided to analyze facts and data to design a current state map, use Lean tools and techniques to propose a future state map, and develop an implementation plan to plan for the transformation.

Daily Engagement
Would each of your employees say they are consistently provided with the tools, training, resources, information, encouragement, etc. to contribute to the organization that adds meaning to their life? Answering yes to this question might equate to an extremely high level of engagement. Daily Engagement is designed to get you closer to answering yes.
With Daily Engagement and the use of visual management, employees “see as a team, learn as a team, and act as a team.” This team-based management system assists front-line teams to reflect on facts and data from the prior day, planning resources and processes for a successful day, and aligning on experiments to improve for tomorrow.

Tiered Management
Every day, commitments are made to customers. Unfortunately, those commitments are frequently broken in terms of quality, delivery, or cost. When problems are identified, the frontline is not always equipped to address them. They need help.
Tiered Management enables the need for support or information to meet the daily customer demand to be elevated. Every level in the organization uses daily routines to elevate and react to problems, coach, share learning, and follow up on decisions. Those routines ensure staff is equipped to be successful today and provide quick and effective bidirectional communication. Subsequently, long meetings and email chains are reduced or eliminated.

Strategy Deployment
One of the main responsibilities of leaders is to provide alignment to the organization's vision and selected improvement goals. Many organizations struggle with providing a laser focus direction where every team and employee can be part of the organizational transformation.
With strategy development, the organization defines the strategic initiatives and the platforms of capability needed to reposition the organization toward its vision. Then, it helps to cascade the operational goals and the responsibility to achieve them across the organization. Each level of the organization and every team has aligned goals and a plan to achieve them. Workshop participants will learn the strategy deployment process, tools, and behaviors.

Leader Standard Work
Sustaining the process redesigned and the improved results they bring can be challenging. The fact is that using Lean processes without changing leadership principles and practices never goes well… when leaders stick to their old ways the new Lean processes will eventually break.
Every garden needs tending. Leader standard work includes activities that support Lean principles, including scheduling a time to see reality from the Gemba, developing and coaching their team members, and assessing and reinforcing the alignment to the True North goals. Leader standard work is the glue of the Lean management system that helps keep the organization’s transformation journey in motion.